Monday, July 27, 2015

Step Up

You might notice that it's been a year since my last significant post. So, I'll just get straight to the thing that got me writing again. Here's the link to it
You can just take a look at that if you have a moment. Who knows? It might just be one of those life changing things for you. It definitely had quite an impact on me.

If you want to help people, here are a few organizations that let you donate not just your money, but your efforts as a person, in person. Starting off with what started it all:

1.     ROWW

Better known as Paul Walker’s charity, “Reach Out WorldWide” is an organization that includes a network of professionals with skill-sets required in case of an emergency which can boost local expertise when natural disasters strike. It helps you reach out to people in dire need when you understand that you have the power of your strength and will to be there for people in need, something you would want others to do for you if (God forbid) you ever need it.

2.     TLYCS
“The Life You Can Save” was established by the World-renowned philosopher Peter Singer. According to its website, Singer educates the public on effective philanthropy and his work aims to bring about a new model for donating in the developed world. With the publication of his book, "The Life You Can Save" in 2009, Peter founded this organization of the same name to spread out and put the ideas illustrated in the book into effect. So, here's someone who's not just encouraging others and reaping the benefits of his work but giving back and working through his beliefs.


The "SEVA Foundation" partners worldwide to create self-sustaining programs that preserve and restore sight of people in need through necessary medical procedures. It was co-founded in 1978 by Dr. Larry Brilliant, Ram Dass, Hugh Nanton Romney aka ‘Wavy Gravy’, Nicole Grasset and Govindappa Venkataswamy. Steve Jobs served as an early adviser and was also a major contributor.
SEVA has been effectively active throughout the world, especially in places like India, where more people need such assistance.

4.     Direct Relief
On its official website, Direct Relief states its mission as, “Improving the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care.” It is supported and funded by individuals, pharmaceutical companies, as well as, medical equipment manufacturers. It takes action on the ground based on the requirements of the situation at hand caused by the effects of natural and man-made disasters.
To have a more profound effect of its work, Direct Relief partners with local organizations to provide health services to people in rural areas of a country where there is a lack of basic healthcare amenities.
This is a great assistance for these countries where one of the major reasons for suicide among individuals is health related issues.

5.     Save the Children
Save the Children International operates in several countries throughout the world. It helps provide medical supplies and food to children that are in need due to natural disasters or armed conflict. It also takes care of children in crisis providing them with nutrition for sustenance.
Around 300,000 kids are dying every year due to malnutrition. What makes it sadder is that huge proportions of food and resources are wasted in the world. An institute like this helps divert excess food and funds to those people who are in dire need of it.
As stated on their website, “What we need is the will – from politicians, the public, aid agencies, companies, EVERY ONE – to make it happen on a global scale.
The funds collected for this organization are received from different foundations, companies, governments as well as individuals.

6.     Stop Global Warming
Name says it all. Global warming is a pressing issue and if each of us is still not aware and working towards prohibiting it’ll be too late for ‘better late than never’. We are bearing the brunt of global warming so badly already, imagine what’ll happen in the next few years and then in the next few decades when it can no longer be repressed. Food will become scarce due to low production. Skin diseases will be extremely widespread. Most of us are already suffering from it. The ones who are the worst affected are the ones who have done nothing to cause it. The people who don’t travel in motor vehicles, people who can’t afford luxuries like refrigerators and air conditioner to beat the rising mercury, people who labor hard under harsh conditions in the fields.
Is it so difficult to have empathy to our own kind? Forget the flora and fauna around us who have always worked to keep the balance in nature but are on the verge of extinction because of our actions.
If not for others, be a part of such endeavors to save your own skin, literally.

7.     Giving What We Can
Giving What We Can works towards eliminating poverty, environmental issues like climate change, and most importantly, it helps you contribute your resources to charity where it would be most effective. It assesses charities and gives you a list of top charities that will be able to make the most of your donations to them. It also helps you connect to local charities. All in all, it helps you play safe and not be deceived when you have a noble cause in mind and the will to work towards it.

This is our world. We need to take care of it and take care of each other as one. Go beyond the boundaries we have created to divide ourselves. Cooperate. Co-exist. 
Now, just close your eyes and imagine yourself in any one of the situations these charities work for, difficult, isn't it? Now imagine what its like living through it.

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